部署在野外的机器学习系统通常在源分布上培训,但部署在不同的目标分布上。未标记的数据可以是用于缓解这些分布班次的强大的利用点,因为它通常比标记数据更具可用。然而,未标记数据的现有分配转换基准不反映现实世界应用中出现的方案的广度。在这项工作中,我们介绍了Wilds 2.0更新,该更新在分发转移的野外基准中扩展了10个数据集中的8个,以包括将在部署中逼真获得的策划未标记数据。为了保持一致性,标记的培训,验证和测试集以及评估度量与原始野外基准中的标记与评估度量完全相同。这些数据集涵盖了广泛的应用程序(从组织学到野生动物保护),任务(分类,回归和检测)和方式(照片,卫星图像,显微镜载玻片,文本,分子图)。我们系统地基准测试最先进的方法,可以利用未标记的数据,包括域不变,自我培训和自我监督方法,并表明他们在野外的成功2.0是有限的。为了方便方法开发和评估,我们提供了一个自动化数据加载的开源包,并包含本文中使用的所有模型架构和方法。代码和排行榜可在https://wilds.stanford.edu获得。
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Standard training via empirical risk minimization (ERM) can produce models that achieve high accuracy on average but low accuracy on certain groups, especially in the presence of spurious correlations between the input and label. Prior approaches that achieve high worst-group accuracy, like group distributionally robust optimization (group DRO) require expensive group annotations for each training point, whereas approaches that do not use such group annotations typically achieve unsatisfactory worst-group accuracy. In this paper, we propose a simple two-stage approach, JTT, that first trains a standard ERM model for several epochs, and then trains a second model that upweights the training examples that the first model misclassified. Intuitively, this upweights examples from groups on which standard ERM models perform poorly, leading to improved worst-group performance. Averaged over four image classification and natural language processing tasks with spurious correlations, JTT closes 75% of the gap in worst-group accuracy between standard ERM and group DRO, while only requiring group annotations on a small validation set in order to tune hyperparameters.
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Distribution shifts-where the training distribution differs from the test distribution-can substantially degrade the accuracy of machine learning (ML) systems deployed in the wild. Despite their ubiquity in the real-world deployments, these distribution shifts are under-represented in the datasets widely used in the ML community today. To address this gap, we present Wilds, a curated benchmark of 10 datasets reflecting a diverse range of distribution shifts that naturally arise in real-world applications, such as shifts across hospitals for tumor identification; across camera traps for wildlife monitoring; and across time and location in satellite imaging and poverty mapping. On each dataset, we show that standard training yields substantially lower out-of-distribution than in-distribution performance. This gap remains even with models trained by existing methods for tackling distribution shifts, underscoring the need for new methods for training models that are more robust to the types of distribution shifts that arise in practice. To facilitate method development, we provide an open-source package that automates dataset loading, contains default model architectures and hyperparameters, and standardizes evaluations. Code and leaderboards are available at https://wilds.stanford.edu.
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Overparameterized neural networks can be highly accurate on average on an i.i.d.test set yet consistently fail on atypical groups of the data (e.g., by learning spurious correlations that hold on average but not in such groups). Distributionally robust optimization (DRO) allows us to learn models that instead minimize the worst-case training loss over a set of pre-defined groups. However, we find that naively applying group DRO to overparameterized neural networks fails: these models can perfectly fit the training data, and any model with vanishing average training loss also already has vanishing worst-case training loss. Instead, the poor worst-case performance arises from poor generalization on some groups. By coupling group DRO models with increased regularization-a stronger-than-typical 2 penalty or early stopping-we achieve substantially higher worst-group accuracies, with 10-40 percentage point improvements on a natural language inference task and two image tasks, while maintaining high average accuracies. Our results suggest that regularization is important for worst-group generalization in the overparameterized regime, even if it is not needed for average generalization. Finally, we introduce a stochastic optimization algorithm, with convergence guarantees, to efficiently train group DRO models.
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